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Ayurveda vs science: Decoding the cold water conundrum

by Olga Sokolova

The temperature at which we consume water has long been a topic of debate, with Ayurvedic traditions suggesting caution regarding cold water consumption. In contrast, scientific research has found no substantial evidence to support the notion that drinking cold water is harmful. In this article, we delve into the wisdom of Ayurveda and the scientific inquiry surrounding cold water, empowering readers to make informed decisions about their hydration practices.

Ayurveda vs science: Decoding the cold water conundrum

Ayurvedic Wisdom: The Impact of Cold Water
According to Ayurvedic medicine, cold water disrupts the body’s balance and slows down digestion. It is believed that the body expends additional energy to restore its core temperature after drinking cold water. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend warm or hot water for aiding digestion and maintaining the body’s fire, or Agni.

Scientific Findings: Weighing the Evidence
In Western medicine, limited scientific evidence suggests that cold water does not have adverse effects on the body or digestion. In fact, adequate water intake, irrespective of temperature, supports digestion, toxin elimination, and prevents constipation. Research has even indicated potential benefits of drinking colder water during exercise, enhancing performance and reducing core body temperature.

Exploring Risks and Benefits
While Ayurvedic principles caution against cold water, it is essential to consider individual circumstances. People with conditions affecting the esophagus, such as achalasia, may experience aggravated symptoms with cold water consumption. Similarly, some individuals, particularly those prone to migraines, may be more susceptible to headaches after drinking ice-cold water. However, such cases are specific and do not apply universally.

Optimal Temperature for Rehydration
Determining the ideal water temperature for rehydration has intrigued researchers. Studies have suggested that water at around 16°C (60.8°F), similar to cool tap water, may be optimal, as it encourages increased water intake and reduced sweating. Nevertheless, the context, such as exercise or environmental conditions, can influence personal preferences for water temperature during rehydration.

Ayurvedic Wisdom and Modern Research
While scientific research provides valuable insights, Ayurvedic traditions have stood the test of time for thousands of years. Considering both perspectives can empower individuals to make informed choices based on their unique needs, preferences, and health conditions. Ayurvedic principles may offer valuable guidance for those seeking a holistic approach to hydration.

The debate surrounding drinking cold water continues to merge ancient wisdom with scientific inquiry. Ayurvedic traditions caution against cold water, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the body’s fire and digestion. Conversely, scientific research has not found significant evidence to support the notion that cold water is detrimental. By examining both perspectives, individuals can make informed decisions about their hydration practices, striking a balance between Ayurvedic wisdom and scientific findings to optimize their overall well-being.

By – Pratibha Rajguru

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